Useful Czech phrases that can help you navigate various situations while visiting Czechia

Useful Czech phrases that can help you navigate various situations while visiting Czechia

Visiting Czechia (Czech Republic) and you want to immerse into local culture? The best way is to mingle with locals and try and use their own language. Here is the info about Czech language and most useful Czech phrases you can use during your visit.

Czech language introduction

The Czech language, a member of the West Slavic group of languages, is primarily spoken in the Czech Republic and holds significant historical and cultural importance for its speakers. Characterized by a rich phonetic system that includes a variety of vowel lengths and consonantal clusters, the Czech language features distinct diacritical marks such as háček and acute accents, which modify the pronunciation of certain letters to convey nuanced meanings.

Evening View Walk in PragueIts grammar is notable for its use of seven cases to denote relationships among nouns, pronouns, and adjectives within sentences, allowing for a complex structure that enhances linguistic expression. The vocabulary reflects centuries of influence from Germanic, Latin, and Slovak languages while retaining deep roots in Slavic origins; this confluence contributes to the dynamic nature of contemporary Czech lexicon.

Additionally, literary works penned in Czech span from medieval texts to modern novels that explore various themes relevant to society’s evolution over time.

List of useful Czech phrases

Here’s a list of useful Czech phrases that can help you navigate various situations while visiting Czechia (the Czech Republic):

Basic Greetings and Polite Expressions

  • Hello/Hi: Ahoj (informal) / Dobrý den (formal)
  • Good morning: Dobré ráno
  • Good afternoon: Dobré odpoledne
  • Good evening: Dobrý večer
  • Good night: Dobrou noc
  • Goodbye: Nashledanou / Ahoj (informal)
  • Please: Prosím
  • Thank you: Děkuji / Díky (informal)
  • You’re welcome: Není zač
  • Excuse me/Sorry: Promiňte / Pardon
  • Yes: Ano / Jo (informal)
  • No: Ne
  • Maybe: Možná

Introductions and Personal Information

  • What is your name?: Jak se jmenujete? (formal) / Jak se jmenuješ? (informal)
  • My name is…: Jmenuji se…
  • Nice to meet you: Těší mě
  • Where are you from?: Odkud jste? (formal) / Odkud jsi? (informal)
  • I am from…: Jsem z…

Common Questions

  • How are you?: Jak se máte? (formal) / Jak se máš? (informal)
  • How much does it cost?: Kolik to stojí?
  • Do you speak English?: Mluvíte anglicky?
  • Where is…?: Kde je…?
  • What time is it?: Kolik je hodin?

Travel and Directions

  • I need a taxi: Potřebuji taxi
  • Where is the train station?: Kde je nádraží?
  • Is this the right bus/train?: Je to správný autobus/vlak?
  • Which way to…?: Kudy na…?
  • Left: Vlevo
  • Right: Vpravo
  • Straight ahead: Rovně
  • Near: Blízko
  • Far: Daleko

Dining and Ordering Food

  • A table for two, please: Stůl pro dva, prosím
  • The menu, please: Jídelní lístek, prosím
  • I would like…: Dal(a) bych si…
  • What do you recommend?: Co doporučujete?
  • Cheers!: Na zdraví!
  • Check, please: Účet, prosím
  • Can I pay by card?: Můžu platit kartou?
  • I am allergic to…: Jsem alergický/á na…


  • How much is this?: Kolik to stojí?
  • Do you have this in another size/color?: Máte to v jiné velikosti/barvě?
  • I am just looking: Jen se dívám
  • Can I try this on?: Můžu si to vyzkoušet?
  • Where is the fitting room?: Kde je kabinka?
  • I’ll take it: Vezmu si to


  • Help!: Pomoc!
  • Call the police: Zavolejte policii
  • I need a doctor: Potřebuji lékaře
  • I am lost: Ztratil(a) jsem se
  • Is there a pharmacy nearby?: Je tady poblíž lékárna?

At the Hotel

  • I have a reservation: Mám rezervaci
  • I would like to check in/check out: Chtěl(a) bych se ubytovat/vyřídit odhlášení
  • Can I get the Wi-Fi password?: Můžu dostat heslo na Wi-Fi?
  • What time is breakfast?: V kolik hodin je snídaně?


  • One: Jeden
  • Two: Dva
  • Three: Tři
  • Four: Čtyři
  • Five: Pět
  • Ten: Deset
  • Twenty: Dvacet
  • Hundred: Sto

Useful Phrases for Socializing

  • Can we speak informally?: Můžeme si tykat?
  • Would you like to go for a drink?: Nechceš jít na drink?
  • I like it here: Líbí se mi tady
  • Where is a good place to go out?: Kde je dobré místo na večer?


  • I don’t understand: Nerozumím
  • Could you repeat that?: Můžete to zopakovat?
  • Do you have…?: Máte…?
  • Can I…?: Můžu…?
  • It’s okay/no problem: To je v pořádku
  • I’m sorry, I don’t speak Czech well: Omlouvám se, nemluvím dobře česky

These phrases should help you navigate various situations during your visit to Czechia, making your interactions smoother and more enjoyable!