Category: Public Spaces
Charles Bridge (Karlův most) is a historic bridge in Prague, Czech Republic, crossing the Vltava River. Its building began in 1357 under the rule of King Charles IV and was completed in the early 15th century. The bridge substituted the ancient Judith Bridge constructed in 1158–1172, which was severely damaged…
View moreGolden Lane is a street situated in Prague Castle, Czech Republic. Originally built in the 16th century, to house Rudolf II's castle guards, it takes its name from the goldsmiths that lived there in the 17th century. The houses on Golden Lane are small and were built in the 1950s,…
View moreLocated in the New Town ("Nové Msto") district of Prague, Wenceslas Square (in Czech: "Václavské náměstí”" or "Václavák") is a 700-meter-long and 60-meter-wide promenade. Because of its original function, the area was referred to as "Horse Market" ("Koňský trh") in the past. The current name alludes to the fact that…
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